It's been awhile, things have been rather busy around here these past several weeks. Getting ready for the Stampin'Up convention takes a lot of planning and work.
I opted to do organized swaps at convention this year so I wouldn't have the mad dash to get all the swapping done before the sessions and classes. It was much easier I think but making so many cards of one design was really a drag. I finished about a week ago so feel less stress than I did last year.
I finished the gifts for my roomies also. Made mini albums in a box. I am quite pleased how they turned out. This was one way to get rid of all the retired designer papers. I also did note cards for housekeeping, one for everyday with a little token of my appreciation. They are rather simple but having someone make my bed everyday for a week is such a rare treat and well worth it.
We also celebrated Jeffrey's second birthday. The pool party was off to a bad start when the weather wouldn't co-operate. A little extra time to open and play with all our new toys and before we knew it the sun was out, bathing suits put on and big splashes as they all bounced into the pool. They had such a great time showing off their swimming and diving skills. It turned out to be a fantastic birthday party afterall!
I've taken several classes at Scrapp n Savvy since my last post. The Cricut class was full of helpful information. I can't believe how simple it really is to use all the features on the Cricut. I've been using it much more since the class. The Sampler the end of June was a wonderful album from Creative Escape some years ago. The album is to journal all the good things in your life by doing it one sentence a day. Then of course, the Lickety Slip album pages, two a month for a year. The pages are just beautiful, the interactive pages are so unique and hold so many photos. I also signed up to take two more album classes in the next quarter. The Beach Album is made to look and open like a suitcase. The Mini Madness album is small but packed full of techniques. Then there is the Sampler again the end of September and two more months doing pages for the Lickety Slip album. Busy, busy but so much fun!
We spent a very quiet fourth of July this year. I finished a few long overdue projects and Tom watched cowboy movies on the tv. Retirement is great but I'm afraid not very exciting at the present time, not today anyway but then again, tomorrow is yet another day. Hope y'all had a great day celebrating our nation's birthday.
Until next time, stay safe and be happy!
I opted to do organized swaps at convention this year so I wouldn't have the mad dash to get all the swapping done before the sessions and classes. It was much easier I think but making so many cards of one design was really a drag. I finished about a week ago so feel less stress than I did last year.
I finished the gifts for my roomies also. Made mini albums in a box. I am quite pleased how they turned out. This was one way to get rid of all the retired designer papers. I also did note cards for housekeeping, one for everyday with a little token of my appreciation. They are rather simple but having someone make my bed everyday for a week is such a rare treat and well worth it.
I've taken several classes at Scrapp n Savvy since my last post. The Cricut class was full of helpful information. I can't believe how simple it really is to use all the features on the Cricut. I've been using it much more since the class. The Sampler the end of June was a wonderful album from Creative Escape some years ago. The album is to journal all the good things in your life by doing it one sentence a day. Then of course, the Lickety Slip album pages, two a month for a year. The pages are just beautiful, the interactive pages are so unique and hold so many photos. I also signed up to take two more album classes in the next quarter. The Beach Album is made to look and open like a suitcase. The Mini Madness album is small but packed full of techniques. Then there is the Sampler again the end of September and two more months doing pages for the Lickety Slip album. Busy, busy but so much fun!
We spent a very quiet fourth of July this year. I finished a few long overdue projects and Tom watched cowboy movies on the tv. Retirement is great but I'm afraid not very exciting at the present time, not today anyway but then again, tomorrow is yet another day. Hope y'all had a great day celebrating our nation's birthday.
Until next time, stay safe and be happy!